Weird, Wonderful Doll's Head Trail

The Doll's Head Trail in Atlanta boasts art made from found objects like this hubcapHave you ever been to the Doll's Head Trail in Atlanta?

It's an interesting place, for sure. 

This past Saturday dawned cold, but beautiful, and I joined my son and DIL for a walk.

Sadly, I left Jack Bauer at home. I love that dog, but he's such a nut around other dogs that sometimes it's better he not come. I'd never been on this particular trail before, and my son said Bauer might not do well, since there were often other dogs.

I took my camera, though. 

I went to my son and DIL's place. We piled in the car, along with their two very large dogs who aren't afflicted with the same neuroses as Bauer.

A quick car ride got us to the trail and out we went. 

It was a gorgeous day, though I'm impatient for spring and renewal.

This is the most difficult time of year for me.

It’s dead winter, but we’ve been teased by some unusually warm weather, which is typical for this time of year. This winter's been even worse, since we've had some record-breaking warmth, and it felt like spring was here. But the trees are still mostly bare.

My body and soul yearn for warmer weather and being outside without being bundled up.


I'll try not to complain when summer's in full swing and we're sweating our asses off around here!


As we came to the lake, it was nice to see that a few of the fall colors were still on the trees.


The sky was blue, but bland, and it was tempting to replace it with something more spectacular when I was editing the photos. But no, I wanted you to see how it looked.


The lake at the Doll's Head Trail with a few colorful leaves still on the surrounding trees


As we came to the Doll's Head part of the Trail, I slowed down to shoot some photos. It's a little weird and eerie, but also fun and interesting.


I love, love, love that someone has taken objects found right there in the park and turned them into art pieces. It's crazy what some people leave or throw away!


The burnt-out doll is definitely creepy in a Chuckie sort of way. 


A burned and blackened-looking doll's head and part of a body propped against a tree


The hubcaps were awesome. 


I do some web content writing to help keep the lights on around here, and I wrote a piece yesterday on the opioid epidemic in America. It's real people, and getting worse, so the headstone with the "avoid the opioid noid," written on it resonated.


It's sadly relevant.


A mock headstone with the words "Avoid the Opioid Noid" written on it.


This is a serious epidemic that's predicted to claim 500,000 lives in the US by the end of this decade. 


I can never get on board with the doomsayers who think we're overpopulating our planet. They live in a static world of numbers that just keep multiplying.


No way.


We're much too busy killing ourselves to worry about overpopulation.


But, I digress.


The walk was fun, and I enjoyed being with my son and DIL and their dogs.


I stopped by a friend's on the way home where we sat in the sun with our jackets on and talked. When I got home, I took Bauer out for a half-hour. He loves his walks - especially when we don't run into other dogs! 


Later I went to a wine-tasting event with friends.


I worked on a project all day Sunday.


It was a good weekend. Any weekend is a good weekend when I get to take photos and be with family!


I hope you had a good one too!


See you between the raindrops!

