Celebrating Spring

An Atlannta photographer capturing spring in multiple exposuresTulip Tree in multiple exposures

Celebrating Spring in Atlanta

When I was growing up in Southern California, I remember reading poems and novels in which people couldn't say enough about the newness and beauty of spring. I appreciated spring too but I didn't see what the big deal was. 

Then I moved to Georgia and experienced my first spring after nearly non-stop rain from January through March which also included a hurricane. 

All of a sudden, I got it. I was floored at the voluminous blooms all over the neighborhood. I couldn't get over the azaleas. 

Now spring is one of my favorite seasons. I can't say enough about the beautiful greenery, blooming flowers, and freshness of life all around me.  

Spring has been blooming for a few weeks here in Atlanta but we've had a lot of rain on and off and I haven't been out with my camera to capture it yet.  

Yesterday morning was gorgeous out - crisp, cool, and sunny. I took my camera for a walk and realized I'd already missed most of the Dogwood blooms, but I saw lots of beautiful flowers. 

I was especially taken with what I figured out later was a tulip tree. 

An Atlanta photographer's photo of a bloom on a tulip tree

A tulip tree

I stood in front of the tulip tree blooms for a few minutes working on a multiexposure as well as several shots of the flowers. I used the multiexposure for the cover shot. 

I explain more about how I get multiple exposures with my Lumix here. 

Spring gets my creative juices flowing. I struggle to get out with my camera in the winter because of the short days and cold. Thankfully, here in Atlanta, we don't get super cold weather and it never lasts, though we did have a couple of days in the low teens this winter. 

I love this time of year when it's cool and sunny and not stifling hot yet. 

I hope you're able to get out and enjoy some of this great spring weather too.

See you between the raindrops!


PS - My Mother's Day sale is running until April 26th - use code MD2024 on checkout for 30% off your order!