Thank You for Making My Blog #4 in the Top 45 Photo Blogs in Atlanta!

An Atlanta photographer photo of the middle of the road looking down a street toward some Atlanta buildings downtownLooking down the middle of Ted Turner Dr NW in Atlanta

Exciting News for this Atlanta Photographer and Blogger!

I've been keeping up with my blog faithfully now since 2016. It's been a labor of love and I do it for several reasons. 

I blog to make it easier to find my website and to keep my website updated on at least a weekly basis. 

But the main reason I started a blog and have continued it for so long is that I love to write, and I enjoy documenting my photography, life, and travels - for myself, my family, and those who enjoy my art. If I didn't love it, I never would have been able to keep up with it for so long. 

Something that drives me crazy is all the blog posts on the internet that regurgitate the same tired old information post after post on their websites in an effort to dominate their niche.

The articles are often informative, and I know companies sometimes offer valuable information for their customers, but I never want my blog to sound like thousands of other blogs on the internet.

I can't tell you how many times I've been contacted through the contact form on my website with someone offering to write my blog posts for me for a fee.


Whenever someone makes that offer, I know they've never set eyes on my blog. There's no way someone else could write my posts for me because these posts are about my photo adventures, travels, and life. 

I'd be lying if I said I never used keywords or wrote articles designed to up my standing with Google but it's never my main intent. I want to entertain, inform, and document things related to photography, travel, and life, and I think about those things every time I sit down to write a post. 

I'm sure I fall short a lot of the time, but I keep trying so, as you can imagine, I was excited to get this news the other day...

Fourth of the Top 45 Photo Bloggers in Atlanta

FeedSpot listed my blog as 4th on their list of the top 45 photo blogs in Atlanta!

They base their rankings on several things including relevancy, frequency of posts, domain authority, age of the blog, web traffic rank, social media follower accounts, and more. 

It is with such gratitude, I say thank you! Thank you so much for reading this blog and following me on this journey.

It's been tough and there are many times I've wondered if I'm on the right path, but this is one of those little signposts that tells me I'm headed in the right direction. 

When I was trying to figure out what photo to use for this post, I came across the above photo and it really spoke to me. I was standing in the middle of Ted Turner Dr NW (if I remember correctly!) looking down toward the W Hotel. 

I was careful. It's a one-way street and I was facing the oncoming traffic.

I got down low to the street and tilted the camera up a little to capture the street and the buildings. I love looking down a long road like that. It feels like a journey waiting to happen. 

That's what made me think it was a good photo for this blog post. It's all a journey and we never know how things will turn out. 

Now and then, (especially in a bad month when I'm wondering how I'll get the bills paid!) I really let my thoughts spiral down - about finances, career, life, and how everything will work out. 

Then, I think about that saying, "Pray as if everything depends on God and work as if everything depends on you," to get me back on track.

It's one of the things I love about having a creative outlet. When I'm in creative mode, I don't think about anything else, so that helps too.

Right now, I'm going to stay in the moment and enjoy the validation of my hard work and let it spur me on to continue to keep at it.

And again - thank you for reading my blog!

See you between the raindrops!


P.S. My 25% off Mother's Day sale is ending, so take advantage of it today with code MOM on checkout!