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Welcome to my California (for now mostly San Diego!) page, and thanks for dropping in. California will always feel like home to me, even though I haven't officially lived there in many years. I was born and raised in So Cal and went to college at the University of California, San Diego. I seriously miss the beach and get out there whenever I have the opportunity. Of course, I always take my camera!

You're probably wondering, "If she's from San Diego, why doesn't she have more pictures?" Good question - you know the old saying, "The shoemaker's children go without shoes?" Well...when I'm in San Diego, I'm catching up with friends, hiking, biking, eating great Mexican food, and relaxing on the beach. Thus, the San Diego girl doesn't take a lot of photos when she's in San Diego. That will change as the years go by, so please check back regularly for updates. Do you have a favorite California destination? I'd love to hear about it, and I'd love to know if you're looking for specific California photographs. If so, I'd be happy to get them for you next time I'm out there! These San Diego photographs are available in a variety of sizes and mediums.

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