You'll Pay for that Fun!

I was getting my bliss on the last seven days - an entire week at the beach in Destin, Florida at a friend's* condo.

The beach is my happy place, always has been. I must confess, however, that after 20 years in Georgia, I had never been to Florida, except for a single day in Miami when I accompanied the ex on a business trip.

I don't count that, because we only ate dinner by the beach. I didn't even put on my bathing suit on that trip.

But, this trip? Oh yes - I was in my suit more than my clothes, so that's what I call a successful beach trip. And I was with a great group of ladies. We.Had.a.blast!

I'm the single-footed one - couldn't balance and get the picture with both feet in!

I'm the single-footed one - couldn't balance and get the picture with both feet in!


My original plan was to stay Tuesday through Saturday, carpooling with one of the gals who was on that schedule.


My mind is in work-search mode all the time, so I didn't want to be gone too long in case I missed a photo gig.


But, we got there late afternoon Wednesday, and by Friday I wanted to cry at the thought of leaving. I hadn't slept that well or felt that relaxed in a long, long time. What's a girl to do?


Stay longer.


Some of the ladies were coming back Tuesday and encouraged me to ride with them.


I did.


Good call.

Feeding my cloud obsession at sunset

Feeding my cloud obsession at sunset


I didn't take near as many photos as a photographer "should have."


But, I'm all about being in the moment, and sometimes the camera is intrusive. Not to mention, sand, sun, and cameras don't mix well.


We spent a lot of time on the beach - reading, talking, swimming, walking, and enjoying our surroundings and each other.


Sometimes the moment isn't right for the camera, regardless of the fact that my eyes were feasting on the plethora of potential beautiful compositions.


I did get some keepers.

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Destin was unlike any beach I'd ever been on.


I'm used to California beaches - lots of cliffs, rocks, kelp, and sand that burns your feet and is rough enough to feel like it's taking off a layer of skin while you walk.


Not Destin.


The sand was sugar beneath my feet, soft and silky; squeaking when I walked on it - it squeaks!


Being on the Gulf, there were virtually no waves to speak of, and I'm used to big waves.


The view of the ocean is endorphins for my soul - a key that unlocks all my happy chemicals.


A glass of wine at cocktail hour on the beach before deciding what we were doing for dinner every evening was heavenly.

An accommodating young man took our picture - not as close up as I would have liked, but hey, you get the idea!

An accommodating young man took our picture - not as close up as I would have liked, but hey, you get the idea!


As to the paying for playing? that I'm back, I can't seem to get my website home page to load, and I have a zillion things to do.


You know how that goes, right?


Trying to land back into reality, but I keep skipping off the troposphere as my mind goes back to the beach.


Bills to pay, work gigs to figure out, business to attend to, and they're still building that house next door - pound, pound, pound all the live-long day.




Pull up my big-girl panties and get to work.


Hope you had a good week too!

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*The friends are amazing and wonderful and staying nameless, at least for now, since I didn't talk to them about whether or not they care to be in the public space of my blog!