Years of Photography

A door on Krog Street in Atlanta

The door on Krog Street

I walk by this door all the time on my way over to Cabbagetown to my cousin's. I've taken photos of it before but I took another one last week. 

I love this door. I love the rusty metal and the corrugated texture that gets a little rougher every year. I love how it's getting more interesting with age.  

I love how the graffiti on the side of the building changes almost daily, like Krog Street Tunnel. It's only a few steps away from the tunnel. 

It's funny how we don't always notice changes when we see something day to day but when we look at the same subject a few years from now, we notice a dramatic change. It's one of the reasons I like taking photos of the same subjects again and again. 

The weekend and the last few days were busy and productive for me.  

On Saturday morning, I took Bauer out for a few miles while it was still somewhat cool out.

Afterward, I helped my friend/neighbor, Julia, go door-to-door with a petition to stop a dubious build at the end of our street in a lot right next to her house. It was about 93 degrees and humid out, and we were out for a couple of hours. 

I don't know about you, but being out that much in the high heat and humidity makes me tired. 

After we finished up for the afternoon, I showered, packed up, grabbed Jack Bauer (my dog), and drove to my parent's. They live about 40 minutes from me. 

I had a few things to do while at their place, one of which was to sort through some boxes they've been storing for me. I don't know about you, but as a lifelong photography lover, I have an overwhelming amount of photo albums. 

And talk about noticing big changes. It's crazy looking at all the old family photos!

I don't even feel like I was good about taking/printing/sorting through photos of my kids. You know the saying, "The shoemaker's children go without shoes?"

I always felt like a slacker when it came to photographing my kids. Having three kids within 4-1/2 years took a lot of time and energy, and I always worked part-time, so there weren't a lot of extra moments for stuff like photo albums.

A lot of my creative energy went into parenting.  

I realized something after the last few days. I may have thought I was a slacker about taking photos, but I still took a lot of photos!

I have boxes and boxes of photos and photo albums. 

I also kept some things that the kids made like academic, religious, and sports certificates as well as some of their art projects. 


I sorted for hours on Sunday.

After working Monday and Tuesday in the morning, I spent several more hours going through things.

I experienced joy and melancholy while looking through everything. I filled and tossed several garbage bags worth of stuff. 

I also threw out 2-3 whole photo albums because I never want to be reminded of some of those moments again. 

I struggle throwing even duplicate photos out if any of the kids are in them. 

I'm not a hoarder but I've always loved history, and I love saving mementos.

I'm a bit sentimental, though I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the past or poring over the photo albums. I love history, though, and there's so much history in photographs. 

You can look at a single photograph of yourself or your family and friends or a moment, and I bet you can remember exactly what was happening then.

At least that's how photos work for me. 

I managed to get through about six boxes. I tossed out two boxes worth and brought four boxes home to my little house.

I need more bookshelves, but I don't have the room. I'll figure it out. No way am I tossing these photo albums. 

I've still got a number of boxes at my parent's house. I'm determined to get them sorted soon.  

Do you save tons of old family photos and scrapbooks? 

Photos - proof of our existence for one tiny speck of time in history. 

Have a great rest of your week and weekend. 

I've got so much work to get done in the next few days.

See you between the raindrops!
