Wonderful Wednesdays

View of nighttime Atlanta No photo adventure to report on this week either.

But, that didn't stop Wednesday from coming! Not sure why I post on Wednesdays. It seemed like a good day, so I picked it and do my best to stick with it. 

I've been going through old photos, because my photo catalogue is such a mess. I mean MESS! If anyone reading this uses Lightroom, maybe you feel my pain. I took a three-day Lightroom (LR) workshop a couple of years ago, and I still don't get it.

I'm sucking it up to take an LR bootcamp online. I'm afraid I'll take the class and still not get it!

Don't get me wrong, I love the program. I import all my photos into Lightroom, and I do some of my editing in Lightroom as well. It's a useful program. But, I've yet to talk to anyone who understands it completely. If I make a mistake and have to rename a folder or something...forget it. I just live with it rather than further screw things up. 

But, I love it. I do. And it integrates well with Photoshop. 

And I'm guessing most people reading this are like...what the heck is she talking about?

So, I'm going through LR and looking at old photos that have a lot of potential that have sat untouched. It's fun. But, my shutter-button finger is itchy to shoot more than corporate events right now. I need to get back out on the street.  

This spring was full to the brim with graduations, birthdays, and other family events. Now it's time to dig in.

I'm going to see Tony Robbins in Chicago in July. I am so excited. I don't like to push time to go any faster, but I love Tony Robbins. My sweet stepdaughter talked me into this, and I can't wait to see her and participate in the Unleash Your Power event. But, it's still a few weeks away. So, hunker down and work now.

And I don't think I'll have a bit of time to take photos when I'm in Chicago, so ouch. 

These photos were taken a couple of miles from where I live in Atlanta.

I love these nighttime views of the city. The best views are at Golden Hour, just after the sun's gone down but before the sky turns black.

Have you ever noticed how many colors there are in the sky? Some sunsets are obvious, and the colors are spectacular. But even on a less spectacular night, there are usually lots of pink and orange hues in the sky. 

A sunset view of the Center for Civil and Human Rights

Haven't had time to watch a sunset lately? Please - go watch a sunset. It's one of nature's spectacular miracles that happens every single day. It'll make you feel good, ease some of your stress. And it's free! 

Have a great weekend!

See you between the raindrops!

And enjoy that sunset!
