Wet Wednesday and Privacy Policies

Surreal ocean with dark clouds hoveringThe sun is shining. But it's pouring rain as I type this. Not so odd for a Georgia June.

I'm dreaming of the beach, hence the above photo.

I'm dreaming of the beach because I'd rather be doing almost anything than what I'm doing right now. Okay - that's a little dramatic, but you know...

"What's that?" You ask.

Writing a privacy policy for my website. You may have noticed an uptick of privacy policies landing in your inbox of late.

The European union has issued a mandate - the GDPR. Anyone with customers in the EU has to comply. Thus, the privacy policy. I don't mind having a privacy policy. And I certainly take my customers' privacy very seriously.

I just wish I didn't have to spend hours on this kind of stuff when I'd much rather be working on my craft. 

Whine, whine, whine...yep!

No real post today, because I haven't finished with the privacy policy yet. And it must be done.


If you order a print by June 4th, you'll get a 15% discount! 

If you order in the next couple of days, you'll receive your order on time for Father's Day!

Have a great rest of your day!

And, see you between the raindrops!
