St. Patrick's Day Giveaway!

Serenity in Piedmont ParkSt. Patrick's Day Giveaway!

I didn't manage to get a blog post written last week and today it's only a short one, but I'm announcing a St. Patrick's Day print giveaway.

I appreciate all of you who've hung in there with me on my blog and newsletter over the last few years so I'm working to increase my giveaways. 

I know this photo was taken in the fall but as I perused my many photos wondering which one to give away, this one caught my eye. It seemed perfect for St. Patrick's since it's so full of green. 

It was a fairly ordinary scene that day at Piedmont Park but I was in awe of the beauty and the contrast of the bright green of the plants against the yellows, oranges, and browns of the fallen leaves.

And those trees!

They were living breathing sentinels keeping guard of the park. I loved the way the bottoms gently tucked into the earth as if they were resting, readying themselves to get up and walk at any moment.

Is my Tolkien fan-girl showing?

The solitary benches held the secrets of the many people who've sat on them and chatted over the years. 

After I uploaded the file from my SD card and did some editing, I really loved this one!

You can enter the contest here

I'll announce the winner on St. Patrick's Day! After I announce the winner, I'll send a 25%-off coupon to those who entered and didn't win. 

Good luck, and see you between the raindrops!
