Photography, Life, and Reframing Perspective

Looking through a canopy of fall leaves at Atlanta's Bank of America building

A view of the Bank of America building from behind some beautiful fall foliage on the Beltline 
ISO 100, 85 mm, 1/100th sec at f/9.0

Taking Photos of Atlanta

As a photographer, I look for ways of making the old new again. 

I love gaining a new perspective on an ordinary scene. I've shot the Bank of America building from multiple angles but never from the middle of a tree, like I did this weekend. 

I've struggled with a bit of burnout lately and haven't been producing as much work. But I feel that spark again - of true joy in picking up my camera and wandering around for the sheer fun of finding something that catches my eye enough that I want to photograph it.

Photography's a lot like life for me. I'm always seeking to reframe the situation in whatever way feels right. 

The last year's been a difficult one for personal reasons. I've let too many things that were out of my control frustrate me no end - wearing me down - like a groove on a record going round and round in my brain.

I'm working on that. 

I spend at least 45 minutes each day in prayer and meditation. But it takes more than that to reframe some situations. It takes a certain imperturbability which I don't yet possess. 

Again, I'm working on it!

Saturday was a beautiful day. I had zero plans and was loving it. I needed to get outside. 

I picked up my camera, put on my shoes, and walked out of the house with the only plan being to shoot some fall foliage. And fall foliage I shot!

I also met the cashier in Savi Provisions who saw my camera and asked if I was a photographer.

"Yes," I said, handing him my business card (never leave home without a few!). While waiting on my sandwich, he stepped away from the cash register, we walked out back and I got some quick headshots.

Nothing like getting a little impromptu work on a Saturday afternoon walk!

I walk about 35 miles per week, often much more. Walking keeps me and the pup in shape but it also helps me think. And on a beautiful day like Saturday was, I could walk forever.

This weekend I walked about 12 miles total. Last weekend I went 20 - all of it around my neighborhood and in and around Atlanta. 

While walking on the Beltline, I saw an amazing fiery-red and orange tree. I stepped off the path to get some photos and then realized I could see the BofA building through the leaves. 

A new perspective. 

A blanket of leaves on the sidewalk in Atlanta

A blanket of leaves on the sidewalk in Inman Park
ISO 100, 78mm, 1/60th sec at 5/5.6

I walked across a veritable carpet of leaves in front of the Highland Walk apartments. I waited patiently for the coast to be clear so I could get down and up-close for this shot.

I took this one with a fairly wide aperture aiming for a little spot in the middle for focus. That aperture allowed for lots of blur and a little bokeh in the background. 

But here's my favorite photo of the day:

Dragging the shutter for a photo of fall foliage in Atlanta

Dragging the shutter for a photo of a person under a beautiful tree full of fall leaves
ISO 100, 24mm, 1/6th sec at f/13


It was too bright out for a zoom burst. And I didn't want a full zoom burst. As it was, at 1/6th of a second, I had to stop way down so the highlights weren't blown. Even at f/13, I brought the highlights down in post. 

I wanted to convey the feeling that all that stuff that's been wearing a hole in my brain suddenly found it's way out in a surrendering sort of way. Hmmm...not sure that makes sense. But I felt this photo captured it. 

Out walking, I had the sense that as the leaves turn, the season's changing for me as well - all for the good. 

Wherever you're at, I hope it's a good season for you!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

See you between the raindrops!


Need a start on your holiday shopping? Take a look at the gallery here. I'm running a 15% discount starting tomorrow.