I'm Still Here!

A shot of the ocean in Destin, FloridaYikes!

That's about all I have to say right now. Well...that's never all I have to say.

Sometimes it's just hard to stay caught up! I know you know what I'm talkin' about.

I just flat-out forgot to post on the blog last week. I was racing to get a million things done so I could go to Destin for a few days.

A lovely and generous friend of mine, Marla, has access to a condo there sometimes (now that's a long crazy story!). 

She loves to invite her friends to join her when she's there. I always do my best to make it, especially now since Marla's moved to Greenville. I don't get to see her as much as I'd like, so I work hard to clear my schedule for Destin.

I didn't completely clear it.

I took my computer and camera and worked while I was there. But, it was still a great visit.

But...as you can see, I almost didn't post this week either!

I've got a lot going on. 

I've got two kids graduating college this month! Yeah!

It was my youngest's birthday today. Happy birthday, sweetie!

I'm basking in a proud-mama moment. 

I'm also feeling a little frazzled. 

I raced home from Destin today and went immediately to a photo shoot. 

I've got a lot to get done tonight before I go to my youngest's graduation tomorrow. This is her second graduation ceremony. I went to one last week as well.

I'll be at my other daughter's graduation next week! 

So...only one photo and a short post.

I guess you've figured out by now that the beach is my bliss. 

The sky was clear and without much texture this week. And, I was tired. 

I didn't do my usual 5-am getups for sunrise shots. I have lots of Destin sunrise shots.

But, I did take this photo - and a few others - this morning before I left. 

I hope everyone's having a wonderful spring so far. I feel like spring has become as busy as the November-December holiday season!

And I have some stories to tell! But, they'll have to wait...

Hope everyone has a great Cinco de Mayo Weekend!

And see you between the raindrops!
