Happy Mother's Day!

A bouquet of flowersWow - it's hard to believe that Mother's Day is this weekend!

May came fast and furious, especially considering we've been quarantining for a good part of this year.

I want to say a big Happy Mother's Day to my mom and all the moms out there. I feel so lucky to still have my mom, and I try not to take it for granted.

My parents only live 45 minutes away, so I make an effort to see them a couple of times a month. Plus, we usually end up getting together as a family - my parents, sister and her family, and my kids and their significant others, and extended family - at least every other month if not more. 

It's now been almost three months since I've seen my parents due to the Coronavirus. We've wanted to make sure they're safe.

Life isn't safe, though. That's part of the deal. 

My mom insists she wants to see us for Mother's Day since my daughter, Claire, will be going back to Chicago soon. It's hard to believe Claire's been here for about two months. I'll miss her when she goes back!

We're compromising. We'll go see mom and dad but we're going to wear face masks, stay in the backyard, and there'll be no touching.

Ouch. That's a killer. How do you see your mom and dad and not give them a hug? 

Maybe that's the norm for some families but not mine. It's going to be hard.

But, guess what? Moms know hard. 

Being a mom is about as tough as it gets! 

There are so many different ways of being a mom, so:

Happy Mother's Day to all those would-be mothers who struggle with sadness on Mother's Day because life's circumstances didn't bring them children of their own, but who relentlessly take care and pride in their nieces, nephews, and friends' children. 

Happy Mother's Day to all those foster moms out there who take amazing care of their young charges knowing that someday those children may go back to their families, taking a piece of their heart with them. 

Happy Mother's Day to all those mothers who adopt children into their hearts and homes as their own. The bonds of love bind us as tightly as any blood connection. 

Happy Mother's Day to all those who thought they didn't want to be moms only to find out they couldn't imagine their lives any other way. 

Happy Mother's Day to all those who've lost their own mothers, wives, and best friends who've left this earth too soon. 

Taking care of children is one of the most difficult, often thankless, exhausting, humbling, heart-wrenching, heart-warming, amazing, and rewarding tasks there is. I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

Happy Mother's Day!

And see you between the raindrops - sure hoping we won't have any on Sunday since we'll be outside!


Looking for a print for mom? They're still 25%-off with coupon code video25 at checkout. It won't come in time for Mother's Day at this point, but it's the thought that counts, right?