Happy Halloween!

A headstone in Oakland Cemetery in AtlantaHappy Halloween!

I love Halloween. I like the spooky stuff. 

And then there's my son. I love him to the moon and beyond, and today's his birthday.

Happy birthday, son!

I thought the above photo was appropriate for Halloween. I took that in Oakland Cemetery a couple of years ago. That was a fun photo adventure.

I talked my cousin into going over to the cemetery with me. I don't mind going alone, but it's never a good idea to be out alone in the city after dark. You women know what I"m talkin' about.

We wandered the cemetery for a while waiting for sunset. It was peaceful. I enjoy walking around the cemetery, looking at the flowers, breathing in the peace.

Toward dusk, the security guard wandered around shooing everyone out. We hung out in the shade of the gazebo where no one noticed us. They lock the gates at sunset. But I was on a mission to get some nighttime city shots. There's a great view of Atlanta from the cemetery.

We may have accidentally got locked inside the cemetery gates. Ahem. 

Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta

It was beautiful watching the lights of the city come on as the sky grew dark. I set up my tripod and shot away. My cousin helped me do a little light painting but I wasn't happy with those photos. I did get a few city shots I liked, though. 

The City of Atlanta's Oakland Cemetery

I didn't notice any ghosts.

Getting back out of the cemetery with my equipment was a little tricky. It involved some climbing and some laughter and maybe a little swearing.

Photo adventures are so much fun, although there are those times when I'm freezing my fingers off or totally exhausted because it's 3 in the morning, and I'm trying to shoot the stars. But, it's all good.  

Whatever you're doing for Halloween, I hope you have a great time! 

And see you between the raindrops!


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