Finding Serenity in Nature's Bounty

A beautiful cloud formation over the ocean in Destin, Florida

Another Print Giveaway Contest

I've never been much into April Fool's Day but I'm especially not into it today. Yes - I really am doing another print giveaway - I wasn't fooling!

It's hard to know what to write about right now. I have so many things going through my mind, as I'm sure you do too. We're midway through another week of quarantine, trying to navigate this new world. 

I'm so grateful my youngest, Claire, came home from Chicago when this all started. It's wonderful having her in Atlanta with me.

I'm worried about my stepdaughter out in Washington State.

She's a triage nurse who works from home advising people and answering questions over the phone.

I'm relieved she isn't at the hospital since she has two small kids, but last time I talked to her, she'd been putting in some very long hours and trying to deal with her kids at home at the same time. She was exhausted.

I'm worried about my extroverted cousin who usually goes out most nights of the week. We talk on the phone.

Last week Tarek and I went and sat on her back porch with her so we could maintain our distance. This week, I'm worried about even doing that. 

The more we isolate ourselves, the quicker this thing will pass. 

It's weird looking at my calendar and seeing no scheduled jobs or social events coming up at all. I'm hoping I'll get paid soon for a photo assist job I had over a month ago. 

I'm waiting to hear if any of my photos got accepted from the call to art I applied for - that would be a Godsend. 

I'm practicing gratitude for every little thing I have right now, especially my parents who are almost 80. My mom's only recently recovering from pneumonia. I'm praying she and my dad don't get this virus. 

People are hardy and resilient but this virus reminds us how fragile and connected life is.

I'm sad we can't all be together for Easter, especially with everyone so close by. 

Goodness - this is a rambling and disjointed post but there you have it. My thoughts for the day. 

And...oh yes - finding serenity in nature's bounty.

Since we're not supposed to be out much, except to exercise a little or walk the dog, I've been looking through photos of the beach. 

I'd feel much better if I was in quarantine at the beach!

Oh well...I'll do the next best thing - look at photos from prior beach trips. 

As I mentioned last week, I currently have some prints on hand because I was supposed to have a booth at a school festival. It was a couple of weeks ago. I woke up Friday morning excited to get everything together for Saturday's festival. 

Midway through the morning, my sister got a call that the festival was canceled. 

So...I'd like to spread the love a little. I'll be doing a monthly print giveaway for as long as I can. 

I will ask you all to be patient. I left the prints at my sister's house thinking this would all blow over in a few weeks and they'd have the festival. I'll have to get the prints from her and then get them in the mail. I suspect that will take a while.

Right now I'm not going anywhere except to take the dog for a walk and get a little fresh air and sunshine. I really need that for my mental health. I'm staying far away from other people. I cross the street if I see anyone else coming. 

If you're already subscribed to my newsletter, you're automatically in the drawing. 

If you're not a subscriber, you can go here to subscribe and enter the drawing

Please stay home and healthy!

See you on the other side...between the raindrops...I hope...
