Early Morning Walk to Cabbagetown

Estoria restaurant in CabbagetownEstoria bar and restaurant in Cabbagetown

It felt so good getting out with my camera last week. I'm itching to do more. 

Funny how sometimes you forget what's in your own back yard, or maybe you just grow so accustomed to it that it loses some of its interest. 

I love walking through Krog Street Tunnel and looking at all the new graffiti. It changes daily, even hourly. 

Well, I take that back a little.

Walking through the tunnel is kinda gross. There's trash, empty bottles, empty spray paint cans, empty paint cans, and often people sleeping.

It's grimy, and the smell of paint and other less savory things is overpowering. But there's something about the rawness of it, the bright colors, the ever-changing graffiti that I do love.  

Since COVID and the whole mask thing, I realized it's a great idea to walk through Krog Street Tunnel with a mask on no matter what's happening with the viral load! 

I walk through Krog Street Tunnel a lot on my way to my cousin's over in Cabbagetown. Her place is a little over a half-mile from mine.

I'm so used to the tunnel that I don't give it much thought.

Plus there are always swarms of photographers there, so I don't like to shoot there. You can't walk through the tunnel without running into multiple photographers doing sessions. 

I've seen lots of people making music videos and taking senior photos. 

I photographed the tunnel several years ago and haven't taken more than a few passing shots with my iPhone since then. 

Now that super hot summer is here, I walk Bauer even earlier than usual. I decided this morning I'd take my camera and walk over in that direction since it has been so long since I got a few shots there.  

Since I said I was going to get lots of mask-trash shots, I haven't seen as many masks on the ground, though I did come across one in the tunnel this morning! 

A mask on the ground in Krog Street Tunnel

I've been limiting myself to my 85mm prime lens for these shots, so that's what I brought this morning. 

It was dark out as I turned and locked my front door and Bauer and I headed out. I love that time of day. It's quiet with only a few other dog walkers and joggers out. 

It wasn't a stellar morning for photographs but there were some nice clouds giving texture to the sky. It was muggy but only mid-70s and felt nice out. I felt a few drops and was hoping it wouldn't rain while I was out with my camera.

Estoria in Cabbagetown

Bauer and I got a couple of miles in, and I got a few nice photos. It was fun taking shots of the tunnel. I didn't bring my tripod, and it's not easy getting photos when I've got Bauer on the leash, but it just felt so good having my camera in my hand.  

I think I'll offer some of these photos on the website. It'll take me a couple of days to get them on there. 

I hope you're doing okay through this uptick in COVID cases. Such strange and surreal times.

See you between the raindrops!


PS - I'm giving away another print on the 1st. If you're subscribed to my newsletter, you're already entered in the contest. If not, and you'd like to be entered, you can enter here