Atlanta Madness

A little puff of white clouds over the City of Atlanta with tons of green trees in foreground. Photo was taken from up on a rooftop

The view from the roof of Ponce City Market

Atlanta Madness

If you're on my newsletter list, then you know there's been a lot of madness in Atlanta around my neighborhood lately. I've also written about it a little here on the blog

About a month ago, some young women were almost kidnapped right up the street from my house, after which their would-be assailants sped down my dead-end street and starting shooting a gun. 

Thankfully, no one was physically hurt and the girls were unharmed, although I'm sure they've suffered some mental harm. 

Monday, there was a double shooting about two blocks from my house in which one person was killed and another injured.

It turns out the person killed was a home invader coming through a window. The man attacked the homeowner who then shot and killed the intruder but was shot himself, or injured, it's not completely clear. 

It's unnerving to me to think about someone coming in the window and invading my home. 

I can't say I'm feeling significantly more unsafe or scared in my own neighborhood. But, then again, when does a woman ever feel completely safe walking around a city alone?

We ladies learn young that we always have to take extra precautions to stay safe.

It's reality, and it's super frustrating, especially because I'd love to feel like I can freely walk around the city at all times of the day or night taking photos and never worry about someone robbing me or worse. 

I don't ever see that happening. 

It makes me angry and sad. 

Bringing On the Beauty

I try not to dwell on that stuff but it is hard when it's happening right on my street and around the corner. 

I'll do what I always do - pray for the world to be a better place and do whatever I can in my little corner of it to help. 

And beauty.

I'll keep looking for the beauty and bringing it to the world as much as I can. 

Today's photo is one I took a couple of years ago - pre-pandemic - at an event that was on the roof of Ponce City Market. The view from up there is beautiful but I don't get up there often because they charge $10 just to go up. 

One of these days, I need to get back up there with my tripod and get some nice sunset photos. But, since you never know when you're going to get a good sunset, it could end up costing me a lot more than $10!

This photo was taken well before sunset but I did a little creative editing and added some clouds for texture. 

Well...I've got a ton of work to get through today, so signing off.

It's raining...again. We had so many rainy days this summer and it looks like we're carrying it on into the fall. 

Have a good rest of your day!

See you between the raindrops!


Castles in the Sky