A Photographer's Kodak Film Musings

An old, tarnished, decaying Kodak sign on top of a building in AtlantaThe Kodak Building in Atlanta

Atlanta's Retro Signs

I know I've talked about this before, but I can't get enough of those cool retro signs. It's been raining a lot on and off in Atlanta so I can't always get out and get new photos.

Sometimes I have to go into the archives and bring out some of my "old" stuff. 

I'm going to a meetup this weekend with The Atlanta Urban Photo Walkers, so I'm hoping for good weather and great photo opportunities. 

The above photo was taken at what's known as the Kodak building on Ponce de Leon Avenue in the Old Fourth Ward in Atlanta. I read a little about the history of the building. It was once a residential building, built in 1910, in what was an upper-class residential area of Atlanta.  

The building later became a boarding house and then that area of Ponce became a commercial corridor. In 1951, Pappy Starnes moved Star Photo into the building. 

The new commercial building was built over the original antebellum home, so parts of the old home remain but aren't apparent. The massive Kodak sign was placed sometime after 1965 and remains to this day. 

It reminds me of my high school and college days when I shot film and spent many hours in the darkroom. Truth be told, I shot Fuji's black and white film more than Kodak but sometimes I shot Kodak too.  

I hope they never take the Kodak sign down, even if the building is repurposed. 

The other cool thing? That building with its big Kodak sign is across the street from the Krispy Kreme donut shop with its cool retro sign.

There was a fire back in February at the Krispy Kreme but I think the sign is still standing - I hope it is! I need to take a quick ride down there and see. 


The retro Krispy Kreme donut shop sign in Atlanta

Krispy Kreme Donut Sign

One of these days, I'd like to take a trip across the country and take tons and tons of photos of retro signs. Wouldn't that be a blast? Probably not everyone's idea of a fun trip but I'd love it. 

Summer Days

I hope your summer is going well and you're getting a little time for yourself. I've been helping out my parents on and off after my mom took a fall and fractured her sacrum - yup - that little triangular bone in the low back between your hips. 

She was in a lot of pain and wasn't supposed to walk. Ugh. Trying to keep my mom off her feet is akin to herding cats - nearly impossible. 

Thankfully, she's feeling better now and doesn't need as much help. I'm glad I was able to take my computer and go down there and help out even while working. 

Let me know if you spot any cool retro signs in Atlanta that I haven't gotten good photos of yet! I'll be on it!

See you between the raindrops!


Do you love retro signs too? You can find these two signs in the Atlanta section of my website.