My Beach Obsession

An beach scene with intentional camera movement giving it an ethereal lookKiawah Island Beach - Intentional Camera Movement

An Atlanta Photographer's Beach Obsession


I'm obsessed with the beach.

I love everything about it, but mostly how it makes me feel when I'm there.

I always sleep better when I've been down on the beach. 

I've read about negative ions and earthing and I'm sure there's something to that. I love swimming in the ocean.

I love the sound of the waves, the water, the warmth, and the feel of the sand between my toes. 

I love the beach. 

I take photos every time I'm at the beach. I can't help myself. 

The ocean is one of those subjects that I could shoot all day long because you never, ever get the same photo twice. 

The last couple of times I've been on a beach, I've played around with intentional camera movement (ICM). I love it because looking at the photo conjures how I feel when I'm at the ocean - dreamy, swirling, at one with nature. 

I took this photo on the beach at Kiawah Island using 1/6th of a second shutter, f/22, and a quick gentle sweeping motion with my hand to move the camera.

It's hard getting ICM in the middle of the day because it's so bright. Ideally, the shutter speed would have been slower, but I was happy with this photo. It captured some of what I was feeling. 

It's that feeling of being half-asleep in a beach chair under an umbrella, the sound of the seagulls floating in the air, voices carried on the wind - I try writing how I feel when I'm at the beach and I can't quite capture it either!

But...there it is. 

I was dreaming of the beach this morning so I thought I'd write a little about this photo that I never did post back in April after my trip. 

Can't wait till I'm back on the beach, whenever that may be. 

Have a great rest of your week, and...a BIG Happy Birthday to my Dad today!

See you between the raindrops!


You can find beach photos on my site here