New Release in Cambodia Gallery

An Atlanta photographer's photo of the main temple of Angkor WatThe main temple at Angkor Wat

New Release in the Cambodia Gallery

Whew - I'll keep it short because it's that time of year, and I know you're getting tired of hearing from me!

For the last few years, I've meant to get back to editing more of my photos from Cambodia to add to the Cambodia gallery on my site, but I always end up pushing that down the priority list. 

I'm happy to say, I recently had a few moments to edit another photo of the main temple at Angkor Wat (above), and I've just put it up on the site here

The Angkor Wat complex and the surrounding temples house some of the most intricately detailed basreliefs and sculptures in the world, and it's said to be the oldest and largest religious complex in the world as well.

The temple complex is on such a grand scale that it's hard to take it all in. After only the first morning there, when I hired a guide to take me around the main Angkor Wat Temple (pictured above), I was completely overwhelmed by the grandeur and magnitude of the place.

It was like nothing I'd ever seen or imagined. The temple is 699 feet tall with the five stone towers representing the five mountain ranges of Mount Meru - home to the gods. The temple is called an axis-mundi, a cosmic gateway connecting heaven and earth. It feels that way when you're standing beneath it.  

I loved my time in Cambodia, especially my time at Angkor Wat - the people, the place, the mystique, and the wonder of it all. I remember sitting down on a rock in the middle of one of the temples somewhere to try and take it all in.

I had such an overwhelming sense of peace sitting there. I'd love to go back someday and spend more time, but I've also got other places on my wish list of destinations that I want to go first. I may never make it back to Angkor Wat but I'll always carry a piece with me in my memories and heart.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

See you between the raindrops!


You can find the print here.