East Atlanta Photo Fun and Some Cemetery Time

Part of the Atlanta skyline as seen from Oakland Cemetery in the morning light

Atlanta from Oakland Cemetery

Thursday Evening in East Atlanta

My friend, Lauren, and I went over to East Atlanta for a little while on Thursday evening and wandered around getting some hand-held photos. No tripod. 

I was using Lauren's 45mm on the Lumix which has a really wide aperture so I had enough light as it got dark, even at a low ISO. There's a little vintage shop over there that's such fun wandering around in. 

It's kinda weird when stuff from your early childhood is now called "vintage!"

Like these roller skates:

A pair of '70s roller skates in the window of a vintage store

I remember going to the roller rink and skating with skates like these! I was still in elementary school. Now they're sitting in the window of a vintage store. Huh. 

Am I vintage? I like to think more of a nice glass of fine wine, aging well! Speaking of booze...

I loved the neon sign in this brewery - "Get Your Halo Dirty."

The brewery (I think it was Hippin’ Hops) was closed, and it looked like they were doing a lot of cleaning. I’ve always been drawn to window reflections. They’re challenging and fun to shoot. 

I was struggling to get focus on the bright neon sign through the reflections until Lauren gave me some pointers, then — boom, there it was. 

Auto-focus was trying hard to focus on something close to the window. I had to get my lens almost right up on the window which I haven’t done in the past. 

Photography — learn something new every day!

I loved the juxtaposition of the "Get Your Halo Dirty" against all the cleaning products on the table. It's kinda like my life - stuff strewn everywhere, desperately working hard to get everything right, and definitely getting my halo dirty sometimes!

A photo looking into a brewery window at a neon sign of angel's wings that says "Get Your Halo Dirty."

Get Your Halo Dirty

We didn't spend a long time in East Atlanta but then headed over to Little Five Points where we stopped for a drink - had to get that glass of fine wine. We got a few more photos after that but it was pretty chilly out and we called it a night. 

Dog Walking and Turmeric Lattes

Friday morning was kinda gray and chilly, but my daughter, Claire, and I walked the dog over to Petit Chou on Memorial and met up with my DIL, Kristen, for breakfast. We love Petit Chou, especially their turmeric lattes. I almost can't believe I typed that. Turmeric lattes??


It was chilly but we sat outside because, well, Bauer. He did surprisingly well, though he did sit in my lap the entire time. Every time I tried prying him off my lap, he ended up right back in it, so I gave up. 

I had my turmeric latte and a pain au chocolate (chocolate croissant) and life felt complete. 

The View from Oakland Cemetery

After breakfast, we jumped in Kristen's car and went over to Oakland Cemetery where we walked around for a bit.

I was holding my breath until we got there because I was really worried that they'd built an apartment complex in front of the great view of the city. The last time I was there, it was in the beginning stages of the build.

I'm happy to say that it appears the new complex won't completely block one of the best views of the city from the cemetery, though it will definitely block some of the views. 

It was still a little chilly, though not as gray. I only got a few photos because the light was kind of blah and I got distracted. 

As we were walking along, I found a wallet on the ground, so we spent the next half-hour trying to find the owner. The cemetery office was closed so we couldn't turn it in. 

We posted on the Next Door app but no one answered. 

When we left, we went by the address that was on the young woman's license. Unfortunately, it was a gated complex and we couldn't figure out any way to contact someone. 

I went ahead and mailed it back to her. I hope she's still at that address.

I met up with some friends on Saturday for lunch in Decatur and then spent most of the day Sunday pulling things together for this week. Yikes. The weekend sure goes by too fast. 

I hope you had a  fantastic weekend! Here we are, halfway through the week!

See you between the raindrops!

Susan PS - I'm extending my coupon code for Mother's Day! Use code mom2021 at checkout for 30% off your order through Sunday, April 25th at midnight!