I Can't Drive 55 - New Release and Thank You!

A blue-hour photo of the traffic on the 85/75 connector with the City of Atlanta in the middleThe City of Atlanta with the 85/75 Connector downtown

A New Release

I've put this new Atlanta cityscape photo on the website this morning. 

Funny how last week I asked for help because I just could not come up with a name for the print I wanted to add to the website. Well...the name for this one flew right into my mind as I was meditating this morning: 

I Can't Drive 55!

Surely that dates me! But, I heard it clear as day, so that's the name of this print. 

Thank You

A huge thank you to everyone who sent in name suggestions for this print:

A photo of the Stacks Lofts, the stacks, and water tower with Oakland Cemetery in the foreground

I'm so impressed with everyone's creativity with naming.

This was such a tough call because I got so many GREAT suggestions. 

I answered every email, which took me a while!

I did have a couple of emails bounce back telling me that the recipient's email "quota was full" or something like that. So, I'm sorry if you didn't get a return email from me - that's what happened. 

Also, sometimes I'll be going back through my emails and find an email that I didn't see before for some reason, so hopefully, that didn't happen to any of these great name suggestions. 

The name I decided to go with?

A Grave Blue Sky!

Thank you Mary N. 

I love the play on words since the sky does look a little grave, and...well...the cemetery is full of graves. 

Thank you again!

When I get stuck again, I'll let you know. Love, love, love the creativity of everyone who emailed, and I'm so appreciative that you took the time!

It's raining out right now as I write this, so, see you between the raindrops!


You can find I Can't Drive 55 here, and A Grave Blue Sky here.