A Foggy Morning at Lake McIntosh

An Atlanta photographer getting photos on a foggy morning at Lake McIntosh in Peachtree City, GeorgiaFoggy morning at Lake McIntosh in Peachtree City

Foggy Photos at Lake McIntosh

A few weeks ago when I went down to get photos at Starrs Mill in Fayetteville, I also got some photos at Lake McIntosh the next day. 

I picked my niece up early that Saturday morning and we went down to the lake and also got a few photos by Falcon Field. 

As we pulled up to the gate at Lake McIntosh, it was still closed but it was already getting light out. There was someone else waiting in his car and I pulled up and asked him if he knew when it would open. 

He said it would open in a couple of minutes, so we waited. 

It was very gray and hazy. It wasn't foggy as much as the air was wet from rain casting a gray pall over everything. 

Going out shooting is never a waste of time even if I'm not that crazy about the photos I get. In this case, I played with the composition and had fun hanging out with my niece. 

The sky was completely washed out but the trees were a beautiful green from all the rain. 

I would have liked to capture more reflections in the water but it wasn't happening with the light. I got more of a glare off the water than anything else, but I do like the composition. 

I like the subtle curves of the reflections of the trees in the water and how they echo the trees on the land receding off into the distance. 

I'll definitely go back to Lake McIntosh to try and catch a spectacular sunrise or sunset one of these days but I wanted to edit this photo to see what I could make of it. It does capture a certain mood and I like it, but I don't think I'll put this one on my site. I want to see what else I can get at the lake first. 

As I type this on Tuesday evening, I hear thunder in the distance and the sad wheeze of my ancient AC that I fear is nearing its end. 

My poor dog is cowering under my desk. I'm not complaining about the rain. It's been so nice having this long spring. 

Today it got up to 88, so I think the spring is mostly over but how nice that we haven't been sweltering since early May!

I'll take it. 

Hope you're enjoying your spring!

See you between the raindrops!
