Atlanta's National Night Out

Broad Street in Atlanta after the rain on National Night Out

The old HL Green Company Building

Broad Street

This summer we've had a lot of heat and humidity but also a LOT of rain!

Unfortunately, it put a real damper on last night's National Night Out events. There were ten events around Atlanta. 

If you've never heard of National Night Out, you can read about it here

Dorthey Hurst from the Atlanta Citizen Review Board reached out and asked me to get photos of the event. Dorthey is super active in the community and I know her from our neighborhood meetings.  

I had all my stuff together, jumped in the car, and was on my way down to Broad Street when it started raining. I wasn't too worried. In Atlanta, these rain showers don't last long. 

I met up with Dorthey and some of the staff from the city as they were doing their best to set up. The rain was coming down hard at that point and I was huddled under one of the overhangs on Broad Street with everyone else. 

The rain wasn't stopping.

It wasn't even slowing down. 

Dorthey, forever the optimist, kept telling us not to worry, it would stop. 

In the meantime, Police Chief Bryant showed up and he was on my list of people to photograph. 

Atlanta Police Chief Bryant

We were crammed under the overhang with no way for me to get a better background. It was raining hard but the sky was bright. Not ideal photo conditions. 

Events almost never have great shooting conditions!

We waited for at least 40 minutes for the rain to stop, and of course, it really put a damper on the turnout. It's too bad because they had a lot of things planned. 

The event was 6-8 pm. I had to leave a little before 7 to finish some work I had to do, so I didn't get near as many photos as I would have liked. At least I got some!

I like this one of Dorthey and the Chief!

Dorthey and the Police Chief


Soggy cornhole game

Soggy cornhole game

Downtown After the Protests

I've got some photos of this exact section of Broad Street from a few years ago when some of the buildings had fresh murals and things looked pretty good.

It was sad to see that in the aftermath of the protests and Covid that so many businesses are boarded up and shut down. 

The HL Green Building (cover photo) has been vacant for years. I've read there are plans in the works to revitalize this area. I'd love to see the area thrive but I also hope they keep some of the original historical buildings. 

We'll see!

Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

And, see you between the raindrops!!


You can see more photos of Atlanta on my site.