A Rainy Wednesday in Atlanta

Clear skies over the city in Atlanta

Clear skies over the City of Atlanta

A Rainy Wednesday in Atlanta

No - that's not a photo of a rainy Wednesday in Atlanta. 

I woke up this morning to the sound of rain, which is a sound I like if it's a day when I can stay in bed. That's not today - I've got to work today!

This is a photo I shot back in late October. The sky was pristine and clear, which isn't my favorite for getting city shots, but I do like the photo. 

I haven't been out shooting in the city much lately, and I'm missing it. The winter is a little harder since I don't like going out in the cold. 

I can keep my body warm but the fingers freeze because I can't wear gloves while working the camera. Fingerless gloves help a little but not much. 

And really, I do get that I'm a huge wimp and that Atlanta doesn't get THAT cold! You can take the girl out of California, but you can't take California out of the girl!

Rainy Day Vibes

So...it's a rainy Wednesday, and I've got rainy day vibes. I found out last night one of my kids has COVID. Thankfully, her main symptom is fatigue but she'd been traveling for work, felt super tired, and decided to get tested.

We had the family group text going last night to figure out if we're going to be able to have even a small Christmas get-together. 

Canceling Christmas feels like the ultimate kick in the teeth after this entire year but we certainly don't want to expose my parents or anyone else inadvertently. Of course, my dad chimed in with his mathematical/statistical brain and basically said we should all stop worrying. 

We're eight days away from Christmas Eve, so I'm guessing my child with COVID won't be making it unless there's a negative test a couple of days before. 

I'm going for a test today, and whether it's negative or positive, I'll quarantine completely until Christmas. 

Gratitude Practice

Today is a good day for practicing gratitude. 

I thank God each day for all the wonderful things I have in my life, but admittedly, sometimes it becomes routine. 

I like it better when I truly feel it in my bones like I do when I'm standing in a place like this:

 A beautiful afternoon at the beach in St. Augustine

Some days are harder than others but every day I'm here is a reason to be grateful.

And that's the challenge, right? Feeling gratitude on days when you don't feel it, but you know it. 

I have a serious amount of gratitude right now for the fact that I still have my parents at 80 and that my kids are all healthy. Praying the COVID kid is healthy again soon!

My heart hurts for all the people who've lost loved ones in this pandemic. 

Life isn't always easy, it's often risky, and there are no guarantees. The old cliché about this moment being called the present because it's a gift is true. Any moments we have are a gift. It's good to remind ourselves often. 

Back to Atlanta Photography

I'll get back to some city photography soon. Meanwhile, I'm going to go back through some old photos and do a little editing and re-editing. 

I've also put off setting up my server for all my photos because of budget and COVID. I also don't want my friend who's coming to set it up to come over right now for both our sakes.

I'm getting desperate though. I have thousands of photos and right now they're all on external hard drives. It's a nightmare going back and forth finding photos. I hope I can get this straightened out in January. 

I hope today finds you feeling great and not too stressed about...everything!

Have a great rest of your week, and...

See you between the raindrops!
