5 Days in Destin for a Great End of Summer Photo Treat

A fiery orange sunrise in Destin, Florida

Colorful sunrise in Destin, Florida

A Little Addition to My Atlanta Photography

Everyone who knows me knows how much I love the beach. It's my happy place. It's my bliss.

And I do enjoy getting photos there too, though I wouldn't want to make beach photos my life's work. They make a nice addition to my Atlanta photography. 

I feel so incredibly blessed that my friend Marla invites me to visit her when she's in Destin. I never even knew Destin existed until the first time I went down to visit Marla. 

In the past, when I have time and want to get my beach fix, I've always gone out to San Diego, where I'm from. Obviously, getting to San Diego is a whole lot harder than driving down to Destin! 

Destin is a beautiful beach. All beaches are not the same. Destin is very different from San Diego. 

San Diego feels like home but Destin is one of my favorite beaches. The sand is soft and squeaky and it doesn't burn my feet like the sand in San Diego. 

All that being said, it wouldn't be me if I didn't do at least one blog post over the summer about the beach. And I just realized, we're officially into fall! That's hard to believe here in Atlanta since it's still in the 90s during the day. 

I hope we get a taste of fall before it swings straight into winter. But for now, I feel happy that I got to spend five days in Destin. This is the first time in almost two years that I took a beach vacation where I didn't work. 

I needed a serious break. My brain was fried. 

My body and brain thanked me. I always feel more relaxed at the beach. But I haven't felt that relaxed in a long time. 

Negative Ions

I learned about negative ions recently while doing research for an article. The beach is full of them. And your body loves them! 

We're surrounded by so many competing electromagnetic fields - WiFi, phones, T.V., power lines, computers...you get the picture. Who knows what all that stuff is doing to our bodies? 

I know I always feel instantly better when I get outside. And when I'm on the beach, I'm almost euphoric. 

Ions or not, I love the beach. 

And I love sunrise on the beach. These photos were taken at sunrise. The colors were amazing. 

We were there on Friday the 13th with a full moon!

Okay - I'd love to say I went out late at night and shot the moon on Friday the 13th. I didn't. I was too busy drinking wine and visiting with Marla.

But I did get up early to shoot the full moon over the ocean on Saturday the 14th. I know - it doesn't have the same flair. But hey....here it is:

Full moon over the ocean in Destin

The full moon in Destin

Sunrise bird watching in Destin

A seagull walking at sunrise

The more perceptive reader will notice I didn't mention my dog, Bauer.

Bauer's fine.

But my daughter asked if she could have him for the five days I was gone. So he wasn't with me this trip.

I missed him.

But I think it was good for him to hang with Ellie and her dog Charlotte for a few days. He also got to visit with my ex, who I know misses him. I was so glad to have Bauer back with me when I got home.

All is well. 

I hope you've had a chance to get outside this summer and spend some time in nature. It's good for the body, mind, and soul. Hmmm...that's making me think about other things I want to write about. Next time. 

Until then, see you between the raindrops!


Looking for beach photos? You can find some here. I haven't posted the newest ones yet but I'll get them on the site soon, so keep checking back!